Toni Gonzalez

toni gonzalez

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The Ageless & Active Blog

with Toni Gonzalez

Simple habits to incorporate in your day for increased energy, balanced mood and improved sleep during the curse of perimenopause

get the three-day
holistic health reset

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Nutrition coach, chef's wife, foodie, '74 summer baby and a firm believer that life's too short to skip the foie and tartare. My faith, family time, and date nights keep me going. You'll find me everyday at the Pilates studio, on weekends at the thrift store or accidentally killing my plants at home if not binge-ing on another true crime documentary.

I'm sharing how you can feel great in your own skin, especially during perimenopause. No magic pills or insta diets. It's straight talk and tough love about health and eating well...with a side of  French 75. *clink* 🥂

I'm toni gonzalez


Too Busy for a Workout? Here’s What You Can Do Instead


September 28, 2024

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I know life can feel like a never-ending to-do list, and finding time to work out? Ha! It feels impossible, right? But here’s the thing: It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Baby steps are huge steps, and they can be just as effective when it comes to building momentum in your health journey.

In fact, it’s exactly what I promote in my FREE 3-Day Holistic Health Reset – adding small, doable habits with lasting results.

I had a client recently who was totally overwhelmed with the idea of tracking her meals for the week. She was ready to throw in the towel, feeling like she had to go all-in or it wasn’t worth it. I could totally feel her…I’m type A too. I had to shift her mindset though. So I asked her, “What if you just track one weekday and one weekend?”

Boom—game changer. That tiny shift took away the pressure, and she found it totally manageable.

This is the approach I want you to take, too. It’s not about being perfect—it’s about progress.

Let’s break down some common fitness struggles and how to work around them without burning out:

Can’t get in 5 workouts a week? Try 2-3.

I get it—5 days of workouts can feel like a mountain to climb, especially when you’ve got meetings, kids, and a life to run. But here’s the good news: 2-3 focused workouts a week can still move the needle. Consistency is key, and it’s better to show up a few times than not at all. And guess what? You’ll still see and feel results! You’ll be building strength, boosting your energy, and setting yourself up for success.

10K steps not possible? Try 7K.

We hear it all the time—10,000 steps a day. But let’s be honest: On a busy day, hitting that number can feel more like a marathon than a walk. Instead of stressing over that big number, focus on what’s achievable right now. Start with 7K steps. It’s still great for your heart, your metabolism, and your mental health. Plus, once you hit that, you may find yourself taking a few extra steps because—hello, momentum!

An hour-long workout doesn’t fit in your schedule? Do 30 minutes.

I used to think if I couldn’t fit in a full hour at the gym, what was the point? But here’s the reality: 30 minutes of movement is so much better than zero minutes. Whether it’s a quick strength circuit or a brisk walk, those 30 minutes add up. You’ll feel stronger, more focused, and energized for the rest of the day. And trust me, half an hour is enough to make a difference.

Don’t like the StairMaster? I never did either.

Honestly, the StairMaster is not my jam. Uggggh! I never liked it, and that’s okay. The key to sticking with any fitness routine is finding something you actually enjoy. If you despise the stair climber or the treadmill, try Zumba, dance, or hip hop classes instead.

Maybe cycling or rowing is more your speed, or maybe you love to swim. The point is to move your body in a way that feels good to you. You don’t need to force yourself to do workouts you hate—it’s all about finding what works for you.

Feel Like You Should Be Getting Work Done Instead? Multitask!

If your brain is telling you that you should be working instead of working out, here’s a trick: listen to your favorite business podcast or online course while getting your movement in. I love pumping music during workouts, but there are days when I want to keep learning. It’s a win-win! You move your body and feed your brain at the same time.

Focus on what you can do.

Here’s the takeaway: Stop worrying about what you can’t do and start focusing on what you can do right now.

Whether that’s shorter workouts, fewer steps, or trying a new fitness class, you have the power to make this work in your life—without overwhelm. Baby steps build momentum, and before you know it, those small changes become habits.

And that’s the magic of my 3-Day Holistic Health Reset—three days to kickstart small, doable habits that can lead to lasting results for you and your family. No massive overhaul. No stressful diets to follow. This is about attainable and a sustainable healthy lifestyle for longevity.

If you’d like to chat more about your health and your goals, you can book a FREE 25-minute consultation to see how you can take the next step to elevate your healthy lifestyle, reduce symptoms of perimenopause like brain fog, fatigue, chronic pain and weight gain so that you can enjoy your golden years and beyond.

You’ve got this, and I’m here to help!

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feel better in 3 days

10 simple, do-able habits to beat the curse of perimenopause

3-day holistic health reset


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Nutrition coach, chef's wife, foodie, '74 summer baby and a firm believer that life's too short to skip the foie and tartare. My faith, family time, and date nights keep me going. You'll find me everyday at the Pilates studio, on weekends at the thrift store or accidentally killing my plants at home if not binge-ing on another true crime documentary.

I'm sharing how you can feel great in your own skin, especially during perimenopause. No magic pills or insta diets. It's straight talk and tough love about health and eating well...with a side of  French 75. *clink* 🥂

I'm toni gonzalez
